November 12, 2004

fruscii di ali



"It all seemed unbelievable: the idea, the school, the
inventory consisting of a tank, a few trucks and horses.
They explain everything to me. "We will build the school
on our own, working at night and on Sundays. The land
has been donated by a farmer; the bricks and beams will
be salvaged from bombed houses; the sand will come from
the river; the work will be volunteered by all of us."
"And the money to run the school?"
A moment of embarrassment and then they say "We will
find it." Women, men, young people - as farmers and workers,
all special people who had survived a hundred war horrors
- are dead serious.
Within 8 months the school and our friendship had set down
roots. What happened at Villa Cella was but the first spark."
(Loris Malaguzzi)


Blogger in vino veritas [in wine, there is truth] said...

this is curious, in that it's the first time, if I'm not mistaken, that a text has been longer than your piece ...

and I'd love to know the inspiration.

12:54 a.m.  
Blogger name of the rose said...

it refers to beginnings - of any kind - if built on faith, will grow

and of course, it also tells part of the history of reggio emilia that I work within, its transplanted pedagogy

2:18 a.m.  
Blogger in vino veritas [in wine, there is truth] said...

I've hesitated to mention or comment in 'a wall', because it seems more persoanal than most of the rest, yet I suppose that that's what you refer to when you mention the [pedagogy] within which you work, and from which you (occasionally) inspire yourself ..

2:35 a.m.  
Blogger name of the rose said...

we are trying to encourage the wonderful community of families there to leave comments on it and of course yours are also welcome...perhaps it is just a matter of (finding time to) get more painting done, to progress the project more until it inspires interaction ...
perhaps tomorrow (which is now today) I will go in

...and yes, that is what I refer to

2:48 a.m.  
Blogger in vino veritas [in wine, there is truth] said...

indeed, tomorrow is already today ... and there are several ideas that had struck me as I read through 'a wall', but there is often a fine line btwn interest and what can appear to be ... something other, or construed as such.

are those your photos or those of the others? I couldn't quite determine who runs it, as there are two names on it.

2:56 a.m.  
Blogger name of the rose said...

[but there is often a fine line btwn interest and what can appear to be ... something other, or construed as such.]...I am not completely sure of your meaning here

I created that blog to document my (slow) progress of a painting I was asked to do there...just as we also document the artworks and conversations of the children we work with, to show evidence of (their) thinking, to make thinking visible...artist as it also fits to document the artist's process as part of the piece...but for me, in this, it is not so much about my project and my painting, but rather about the possibilities inherent in seeing what interactions it may provoke something it makes sense to invite a team member on that blog and she is the amazing person who coordinated the creation of that housewithawall which 'we' moved into last spring from another location

yes the photos are mine, except for a few taken (while I spoke to the children) in our board poorly lit photos taken late at night

3:30 a.m.  
Blogger name of the rose said...

too much information on my part, perhaps

[but there is often a fine line btwn...]...thoughtful of you to consider this, but it is not something to be concerned with, since that space is ultimately meant for an exchange of ideas...ideas that may come in many forms and those receiving them 'there' are all good people ...

...if this makes sense

10:58 a.m.  
Blogger in vino veritas [in wine, there is truth] said...

[I am not completely sure of your meaning here]

it's that I didn't want to appear to be (cyber) stalking you, by poking around too much.

[to show evidence of (their) thinking, to make thinking visible...artist as researcher]

the marriage btwn photos and 'house' in 'awall' and some of the poems/posts from this site and 'soak', and specifically those with conversation or desciptions, are interesting; one almost needs to surf btwn all sites to appreciate more fully the process, juxtaposing images with text etc

[too much information on my part]

to the contrary; it makes it that much more real - and interesting.

[...if this makes sense]

indeed, it does

2:40 p.m.  
Blogger name of the rose said...

[it's that I didn't want to appear to be...]...its interesting that you say this because I have been reluctant to leave too many comments on your site for the very same reason...and yet your comments are always welcome and thought provoking...

thanks for these

2:53 p.m.  

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