October 15, 2004


o to play a Pharaohed phrase
of taps to Tutankhamen's mortgaged moment huddledintogod,
ancestral notes in every fleshy cell of sound
stretched til taught by rings
that wreath-around the louvred crypt of van gogh's starry night
to giacomettied form accumulating alloflife inside
a caterpillared tune for butterflied provocateurs
that speak of 'what would happen if'
between a shifting spaceofwords
so gently whistled ín a (y)ear
that will not let one sleep
but peaks at penetrating-twinkling eyes
composing Jenna's lizard juice and sharpened tooth
for every friendly-fluted monster
living in the olive leaf
of her free heart

"Being what I am, unreservedly, my solitude knows yours."
(Jean Genet)


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