October 06, 2004

engenderings Posted by Hello


Blogger in vino veritas [in wine, there is truth] said...

I like this; an etching, as well? and the dimensions?

11:13 p.m.  
Blogger in vino veritas [in wine, there is truth] said...

engraving, rather

9:33 a.m.  
Blogger name of the rose said...

a woodcut, actually...

...and oh the silver-sharpened tool, the ochred crunch of cuts across the grain, the smell of pine, the linseed sticky ink, but best of all, the fall, transculenct slice of rice-paper hugged across the block, the press, the pull, the coffeed glance and then the tickling thought of what comes next...

this one measures 58 cm x 39 cm

11:47 a.m.  
Blogger in vino veritas [in wine, there is truth] said...

the process is the pleasure ...

how long does something like this - or this one, specifically - take to complete?

6:14 p.m.  
Blogger name of the rose said...

it's hard to be empirical in this regard...
to measure it by time...

but nontheless, once the image is decided and drawn,
a day or two to carve and proof, and another day
or two to print it into an edition. Not every print succeeds, as in the repetition of a difference, and
then there is the time it takes to play with combinations of coloured inks and various kinds of papers to see how each affects the mood of an image.

There was a famous potter named Hamada who presented
a beautiful form to his young apprentice who later asked, "how long did it take you to throw it?" and Hamada replied, '15 minutes and twenty years of practice.'

I appreciate your question and find it difficult to answer...

If you do, how long does it take for you to compose a piece of music?

10:36 p.m.  
Blogger in vino veritas [in wine, there is truth] said...

I like that quote and story - clever.

creating: I left that world long ago - and now just tap out tunes in my mind.

1:52 p.m.  
Blogger name of the rose said...

another world left behind...

is that a regret?

or just a decision likeanyother?

6:15 p.m.  
Blogger in vino veritas [in wine, there is truth] said...

a changed priority ... and perhaps - that you mention it - a bit of a regret, but only a little.

9:35 p.m.  

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