October 16, 2004

Covering soft ground

oholeygrailednights Posted by Hello


Blogger in vino veritas [in wine, there is truth] said...

reading these words and seeing this image, and that of 'ancestral crowds' - especially 'ancestral crowds' - I have the impression that I am being seduced - very willingly - in slow-motion.

I like this ... a coupling, of sorts; a union of ideas; a seduction of the subtlest kind.

4:38 p.m.  
Blogger name of the rose said...

yes, to the slow motion 'and' of it

...to the counterpointed diagonal of the arrow crossing voids and back again within this intermezzo
...to mextracting particles, speeds and slownesses
within this flow that constitutes becoming-n
...to the becoming-wasp of the orchid and to the becoming orchid of the wasp

"...the two becomings interlink and form relays in a circulation of intensities" (from A Thousand Plateaus)

to the double capture of these ideas, yours to mine and back again

11:50 p.m.  

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