June 16, 2004

Hand over hand

a legacied offsetprint
that repeats the beat
of my indifference

this stiff stuff
is-ing me
ing-ing me
inking me a drying rack
of clicks and sends
an inkless database of intentions
and inkling threads pulled taut
against the nanobots that sew
the seeds of Christfaceprobeheadpolyvocal value
into rhizzy rhizomed strobingprobinglightsandbittybytes
the whoyouaresandwhatyouwants
of my bookbracedmind
meandering remainderings
of variationsonathemesteamofconsciousness
and for the firsttimeeverinthehistoryoftheworld
my (I me my)-1 bibliobatonbequeaths
besearch a hymned-and-heard historied e-estate that bleeds
and holey homonymied soi-memes
across a sticky spinsplatspliced stretch of time
flicks a switch
against the whitewalled movement
of each screenstiff strand
and flocks the trace
that tracks the bloodblackhole of art
be cause

"...art is never an end in itself,
it is only a tool for blazing life lines..." (ATP)

means more than what it says
it means the saying of its seems
when seams replay the pleat


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